Only 54% of car seats are installed and used correctly.
Is yours one of them?

Missoula Emergency Services offers free car seat checks from Nationally Certified Child Passenger Safety Technicians. CPS Technicians will inspect your car seat, ensure that it is appropriate for your child’s age and size, and show you how to install and use it correctly. To get the most out of your car seat check please bring your child(ren), car seat(s), car seat manual(s), and vehicle manual.

Upcoming Car Seat Check Events

We currently do not have any scheduled drop-in car seat check events. Please check back for updates or follow our Facebook Page for event announcements.

Very limited days and times may be available for scheduled car seat checks. Requests for appointments can be submitted below. Please note that we may not be able to honor all requests and a request submission does not equal an appointment confirmation.

Upcoming Drop-In Car Seat Checks

For additional car seat check opportunities, please contact our Child Passenger Safety partners below.

Our Child Passenger Safety Partners